Covers and
Dawn of Negative
Amazon Page
A space ships lands on a strange
planet. On the alien world, two survive. The cultures of both
worlds will soon learn their differences from their past, present, and
future. Their destinies will soon collide and cause a better understanding
of everyone's existence. |
Within the World
of Forever
Amazon Page
Three people, Amy, Chris,
and the Professor, are sent to Antarctica to investigate global warming
and then experience strange occurrences. There is no escape, as disaster
proceeds toward them. Death awaits, but new experiences overwhelm them.
A discovery is buried within the ice, which will change the world and their
lives, forever.
Before Yesterday,
Comes Tomorrow
Amazon Page
Exploration is within the
Professor's grasp. Many of his students call him a crackpot, but he is
driven by inner desires. Neighbors are moving, but his wife helps him with
his endeavors. As his closest friends try to understand his motives, the
adventure begins. The survival of the Earth depends on the results. The
first journey to Mars is the only hope.
The Guns of Mestonville
Amazon Page
The town is the fictionalized
Mestonville, Kansas, in 1875. The law is in conflict with the most
powerful and influential man in the area. When Luke March�s
son is killed, his obligation is to protect his status and family. The
Sheriff is torn between duty, Luke, and the members of the city council
who are benefiting from the growth of the town with improper rules.
Many want the status quo but others are settling in the area with different
morals. Tensions rise as the conflict increases with misunderstandings
and secrets, which are revealed.
Ten on a Skillet
Amazon Page
Strangers are invited to
the estate of Samuel Cantor. He is dying and the inheritance is their
primary motivation. No worthy relatives exist to bestow his wealth.
The common foundation in his twisted mind is that he despises the guests.
All were offensive to his sensibilities in the past. He watches his
experiment and enjoys the results. Shares will be divided between
the survivors. Since no one can inherit, if he or she is guilty of
murder, creativity must be used. Death is their choice. The
greed of others is not his responsibility. A legacy is needed of
his kindness and generosity. All are trapped and the only escape
is survival or death before the truth is revealed.
The Golden Lions:
The Battle of the Bulge
Amazon Page
My Dad never wanted to be
a hero. No war needs to be promoted from the acts of violence and
inhumanity. The men, who served in the Battle of the Bulge, need
to be remembered for their sacrifice and courage. Survival and duty
were the only options. This book is based on truthful events.
Many gaps exist in the record. No one knows exactly what happened,
except for the men, who experienced the horror. The threads are true
from my Dad�s testimony, other men, who served, and
the historical record. From my perspective, I hope; this book presents
a realistic view of combat and the aftermath for the men, who fought during
the Battle of the Bulge, against the Nazis threat for domination.
The war changed my Dad and the world.
Whispers in the Wind
Amazon Page
For about 10 years, Amy and
Chris lived in a new neighborhood with their friend and neighbor, the Professor.
He wasn�t bothersome to anyone, even after he discovered
that a destructive force was increasing beneath what was seen.
The threat to his friends and others needed to be eliminated at all costs.
If destruction came to the city, many would die, unless he responded with
his experience and knowledge. An adventure was about to begin into
the underworld with unexpected results.
Impossible Time
Amazon Page
An alien race invades the
Earth for their hunger and revenge. All flesh must be absorbed.
A stranger saves four people and takes them to the time matrix. While
they enjoy his hospitality, the aliens invade his sanctuary. All
realities are in jeopardy, unless the past is changed. Three are
sent back in time to investigate and prevent the disaster. With any
decision, interference could cause a change, which initiated the nightmare.
One Rode a White
Amazon Page
Times were changing in Mestonville,
Kansas, and a new path from the old ways was needed. The new city
council wanted to improve conditions and remove corruption.
The only man to handle the job was Lance Colton who was removed from office
about a year, earlier. Although he was reprimanded for his indiscretions,
he accepted the offer. The path was slow and difficult. When
three strangers arrive in town and then change their appearance to avoid
detection, a cascading effect begins. A Deputy and another man were
brutally attacked. The Sheriff pursues two of the men, who were identified,
and then encounters an old friend with another man. Although the
Sheriff tried to stay within the law, revenge overwhelmed his emotions.
He wanted the suspects dead, even if his badge reminded him of fairness
and justice within the law. Just as the town needed to be cleansed
of irresponsibility, so did the people. Superficial changes weren�t
needed from what was seen, if the inner sanctuary remained intact.
Creations End
Amazon Page
While Professor Sachs and
his assistants conduct an experiment for a better and more efficient energy
source, an unexpected result occurs. A probe is sent into a vacuum
chamber to investigate what happened and then transmit data to the laboratory.
A change occurs, which affects everyone and causes a small town in Missouri
to be invaded by an alien being. For nourishment, the creature must
survive by absorbing energy from cellular structures and other sources,
while searching for the purpose of its existence. The Sheriff, Doctors,
and the Professor must destroy the intruder, before all energy signatures
are absorbed and everything ceases to exist. With any decision, negative
consequences may occur, which could affect everyone.
Many Paths, Many
Amazon Page
The Professor, Betty, Amy,
and Chris were being pulled into an anomaly, which was used by the Ekons
to return to their dimension. When the aliens entered the fracture,
they followed an energy string. Since their dimension no longer existed,
a cascading effect occurred, which began to destroy their race. After
the mission to Mars, the ones on the spaceship wanted to safely return
to their home, but their choices were limited. As they tried to resist
the external force of the void, alternatives were needed. Death or
life was the only option for one or all. By manipulation, a path
was taken, which eventually caused alternate realities. The broken
mirror fragmented their lives. If the true reality wasn�t
restored, their future and everyone on the Earth was jeopardized for the
benefit of a new race.
When Murder Comes
Amazon Page
With a man�s
financial expertise, money was embezzled from a bank with the help of his
accomplishes. The plan succeeded without problems. Years later,
a trail of deception and murder was followed to find the money and divide
it equally. Others became involved. The initiator of the crime,
who was dying, controlled everything. Five keys were needed to locate
the money. With each key, the plan unfolded with unexpected twists
and turns toward an unforeseen outcome.
Beyond the Horizon
Amazon Page
An explosion within the sky
was seen from a base on a desolate planet. After debate by government
officials and scientists, three people were sent in a shuttle to investigate
the anomaly. Even if their society was self centered and not aware
of other life in the Universe, some wondered about the possibilities.
Within their thoughts, the event was most likely a natural phenomenon or
the destruction of one of their vessels within an unauthorized area, but
other minor possibilities were more intriguing. None knew what to
expect but what was found changed their perspectives and purpose.
Helping their ancestors was more important than the truth from their distorted
Only if We Live
Amazon Page
While the sons and daughter
of Amy and Chris were asleep, a strange flash of light appeared in the
sky. They expected a normal day but they soon discovered something
else. Their parents were missing without any explanation. None
of the teenagers knew what to do. The only plausible course of action
was to search for clues and then use their reasoning power to discover
the truth. The only problem was that when they proceeded toward an
answer, something unexpected happened. The beginning of the
day repeated itself over and over again. They continued to awake
in the morning with fragmented memories of their previous experiences,
which hindered their efforts.
Reflective Time
Amazon Page
While the Librarian was training
his new companion, problems were seen throughout the Universe. Instead
of recording history, the computer brain was being used as a conduit for
change. Statues were being torn down from one planet to the next.
When historical perceptions changed, the heroes from the past were no longer
needed with their flaws and racist tendencies. Many different kinds
of intelligent creatures were revolting against the established order.
Protests were occurring against social injustice. Waves of change
were pounding the walls of normality for a new order. As the protests
increased, violence escalated, not only from the protestors, but also from
the statues themselves.
If Tombstones Glowed
Amazon Page
Ben and Sara Copper and their
son were born into their own time and environment. They were farmers,
who struggled with many hardships before, during, and after the depression
of 1929 into World War II. This was a transition period into the
modern era. At different rates people adapted or stagnated.
With new laws, advanced technologies, and conveniences, people were hopeful
for a better tomorrow. Life was changing but the unexpected was always
a hindrance. Everyone�s choices molded each
individual and culture. Conflicts were inevitable, which caused all
to live or die for their individual code of ethics. All traveled
their own path, which lead each person toward the unknown.
Memorial Stones
Amazon Page
In 1876, while two young
men were escaping their past into the western frontier, they met on the
trail in Kansas. One owed the other his life while the other needed
someone to further his plans against the Indians. Wealth and power
were his only motives, while the other was haunted by an act of violence
against someone, he loved. Neither was perfect with many faults but
they developed a friendship as they learned from each other. Their
first destination was Mestonville, Kansas where their plans caused negative
and positive consequences with the result of justice and forgiveness.
Kiss Me, My
Amazon Page
When a gorgeous woman entered
a private investigators life, no matter what was happening, the outcome
of the case was his primary concern. Someone was threatening
her for what she knew or had but nothing was known. Since she seemed
so innocent and helpless, his motivations increased. As the facts
were slowly uncovered, people were in danger of being exposed, which caused
others to be the target of aggressive acts. A few unsavory characters
needed to be protected from what was occurring for their wealth and power.
With the twists of the case, his motivations shifted from compassion to
disgust but he wouldn't relent. No matter who became the victim,
including himself, the incomplete truth became more important than his