I) In order to wrap text around images, the following codes can be used:

           a) <img SRC="yourfile.jpg"  ALIGN="left"  HSPACE="50" VSPACE="50"><b>Welcome
                to my  webpage.  My family, and I have just returned from the Grand Canyon, and  we
                enjoyed the experience so much, that we wanted to share some of our photos
                with others.  The photo on this page was the first exposure.  If a person looks closely, the
                reflection of the room can be seen within my eye.  The other photos of the canyon are
                much more interesting, especially the one with the bird.  It flew toward me, while my
                wife was on the edge of the canyon.  The landscape was beautiful, and the wind was
                blowing my wife's hair toward the camera, then when I began to snap the picture, a
                bird landed on my head, which ruined the shot.  I threw the camera toward my wife.  The
                remaining photos were taken by her, as the bird lifted her toward it's nest.</b>


Welcome to my webpage.  My family, and I have just returned from the Grand Canyon, and we enjoyed the experience so much, that we wanted to share some of our photos with others.  The photo on this page was the first exposure.  If  a person looks closely, the reflection of the room can be seen within my eye.  The other photos of the canyon are much more interesting, especially the one with the bird.  It flew toward me, while my wife was on the edge of the canyon.  The landscape was beautiful, and the wind was blowing my wife's hair toward the camera.  She stood on the rail, when I began to snap the picture, then a bird landed on my head, which ruined the shot.  I threw the camera toward my wife. The remaining photos were taken by her, as the bird lifted her toward it's nest.

II) The wallpaper .bmp image can be downloaded by clicking on the representation of my eye.

III) The HEIGHT="#" and WIDTH="#" codes in pixels can be used to set the size attributes of an image, but those items weren't needed for the above example, because it was reduced with another program.  These codes are placed anywhere, after <img SRC, and the ending >, and can be used for any image, and other items.

IV) The border code can, also, be used to place a border around an image, such as BORDER="1", etc.  The BORDER="0" is the default for an image without a border.  No code is necessary in the preceding case.  As stated above, the code is placed within the < > area.